Pesa a ponte elettronica per veicoli pesanti

Descrizione del prodotto 100 fornitori industriali di prezzi della bascula a ponte di tonnellata1. Esattezza  OIML III2. Temperatura di funzionamento  -30° C-70° C3. M

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Descrizione del prodotto

100 fornitori industriali di prezzi della bascula a ponte di tonnellata

Cost of Electronic Surface Mounted Weighbridge Heavy Vehicle WeighbridgeCost of Electronic Surface Mounted Weighbridge Heavy Vehicle Weighbridge

1. Esattezza


2. Temperatura di funzionamento

  -30° C-70° C

3. Materiale

  Materiale dell'acciaio di alta qualità Q235B

4. Pesatura della capienza

  60T, 80T, 100T, 120T, 150T, 200T

5. Caricamento di Axel


6. Divisioni


7. Sate il sovraccarico

  150%F· S

8. Struttura

  Fascio a forma di U

9. Leggibilità

  3 secondi

Cost of Electronic Surface Mounted Weighbridge Heavy Vehicle Weighbridge
Cost of Electronic Surface Mounted Weighbridge Heavy Vehicle Weighbridge
Cost of Electronic Surface Mounted Weighbridge Heavy Vehicle Weighbridge
Cost of Electronic Surface Mounted Weighbridge Heavy Vehicle Weighbridge

Cost of Electronic Surface Mounted Weighbridge Heavy Vehicle Weighbridge
Cost of Electronic Surface Mounted Weighbridge Heavy Vehicle Weighbridge
Cost of Electronic Surface Mounted Weighbridge Heavy Vehicle Weighbridge
Cost of Electronic Surface Mounted Weighbridge Heavy Vehicle Weighbridge
Cost of Electronic Surface Mounted Weighbridge Heavy Vehicle Weighbridge
Cost of Electronic Surface Mounted Weighbridge Heavy Vehicle Weighbridge


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